Jan 7, 2007


With the death of Suddam and all the conroversy in the press, one is to wonder what does success in Iraq look like? As Saddam was hanged and taunted at the same time by his many enemies, there appears to be a definite civil war that will occur no matter what we do. The rhetoric from the Dems is to pull out immediately basically according to speaker Pelosi. Bush says to see it through. My question is what is the short/long term goal? The next question is if there anything we can do there that can be a long term fix or good as long as we make them? Are we in a sense imposing our ideals, beliefs, and cultures unto a culture that cannot digest it? If the same people who believe and support the war so much be as willing if there lives were on the line? This is not a shot against the war, the administration, or anyone involved but as a black conservatives we have proven to be critical thinkers if nothing else and this is a great platform for the conversation.

Nathaniel Peete Jr.


Anonymous said...

If the same people who believe and support the war so much be as willing if there lives were on the line?

- Mr.Peete, I do agree with you on he fact that there does need to be an actual written out, well thought out process for the long term of this WAR, but i as for this question you asked, YES! i am willing to to put my life on the line. This is MY Country, this is my HOME, this is like my MOM! People (no offense) take for granted what we have as AMERICANS! I love being free, voting and, going to McDonalds whenever I want to and there aren't bombs sailing through the air, or car bombs on the regular. I love having a senate and a constituion for my rights! I dont know about the rest of you, even being the only child , I would still support, fight, or defend what i am most proud of--AMERICA-- It was made for this, it was made for you,US, and it also was made for WAR.> Im so Americanized-- it hurts! - A.Monroe-
T.aught R.epublicans U.nderstand T.he H.istory

Spike Zee said...

I think you Bush supporters and especially, the white young republicans should be eager to enlist and go fight in his war.

As a matter of fact, why even question the war. Stop what you doing and go enlist.

The questions you are asking now are the questions that should have been asked from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Spike, Nathanial and Anthony

I agree with Anthony in that the U.S. is a nation worth fighting for. For sure. We have it so good here compared to the rest of the world.

I also agree with Nathaniel that there are a lot of questions that need to be asked about whether we "could" or whether we "can"... "win".. given the cultural chalenges over there.

And Spike I also agree that we might not have known what we were getting into. How many of us knew the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite this time 4 years ago? I didn't. Did Bush?

But the past is done. As for what can be done now?

My take is this. Bush has options. But they are all contingent on admiting that the original plan failed. Options going forward are dire in many ways but there are choices where the big picture is concerned.

Its the kind of thing where you'd want to spend 3 hours in a war room to think it over. And you guys are invited to that mythical place... ha. At this point the war is sort of like a TV show to me. I'm not confident in the outcome.

My only other comment is that Its too bad Spike would want someone of a particular race to do what he saw as damaging to themselves.

In that I agree with Anthony that we are Americans first and race shouldn't matter here the way it still does.
