Nov 21, 2006

Where is the Love?

So much is happening in the party right now I don’t know which way to turn! But something stuck out o me. I read an editorial on and it's headline stated- The Only Real Option: Leave Iraq Now.
-WHAT! I need my American people to sit down and really look at what they are asking for! If we pull out of Iraq do we honestly think that that will be the end?? (Of course not) No one starts a war and then says -"Oh, we are sorry for disturbing your life, we are going to leave now and expect you not to form alliances, and retaliate against us. We are going to take the advice of our citizens and "pull-out'! No people it doesn't work that way. Wars are not just won over night. This country was built to last- because of war! This is an excerpt from the article- - Sen. John McCain has planted his flag at one extreme of the debate, making the counterintuitive argument that the way to get out of Iraq is to send in a lot more U.S. troops who would stabilize the country as a necessary prelude to withdrawal. By "counterintuitive," I mean, "divorced from reality as we know it." For one thing, the troops McCain wants to send do not exist -- the military is stretched paper-thin as it is, and I don't think Rep. Charles Rangel's proposal to reinstate the draft is going to get very far. For another, McCain doesn't specify how all those magically conjured reinforcements are supposed to accomplish such a mission. - This was stated and I found it a little alarming being that I am around veterans and current military officials on a regular. This is what I found on the Army's web page. ( October 11, 2005 the Army announced that the active-duty Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve exceeded Fiscal Year 2005 retention goals for the year, with annual recruitment numbers falling short of projected enlistments.

• the active-duty Army closed the fiscal year at 108 percent of its retention mission. The goal was to re-enlist 64,162 Soldiers and 69,512 Soldiers actually reenlisted.
• The Army Reserve closed out fiscal year 2005 at 102 percent of its retention mission, with 16,485 Soldiers reenlisting. The goal was to retain 16,248 Soldiers.
• The Army National Guard finished 2005 at 104 percent. The Guard reenlisted 33,804 Soldiers, surpassing its goal by 1,233.
- With these FACTS, I would like to say know your research before running off at the tongue. Wars take time, and they take encouragement, and also a little force and maybe some mistakes. But don’t be ignorant, be AMERICAN and be glad there aren’t bobs flying over your head as you take that redundant trip to McDonalds with your happy-meal indulging offspring.

1 comment:

I.C. Jackson said...


The Dems are always so emotional...that's how they get votes, playing on people's emotions. Anyone who thinks further than 5 minutes into the future knows that abruptly pulling out of Iraq would be suicide...

They must not know anything about "the 'Hood" that they pretend to devote their sympathy and program dollars to. You can't let people punk you out here, no matter how heated the battle gets, because if you do, you'll open the door for any old body to come in and wreck you.

You can't do it on the schoolyard, you can't do it in the streets, and you most certainly can't do it on the battlefield.

We have to take a very strong stand against such ignorance...